Strengthen Your Self Esteem…TODAY

Strengthen Your Self Esteem…TODAY

            You can potentially improve your self esteem almost immediately without doing anything physically different.  A first step is to recognize and properly credit yourself for some things you are already doing.  There may be tens, if not hundreds of decisions you’re making in a day’s time that you don’t even realize you’re making.  For example, choosing your route to work is a decision.  Choosing whether or not you walk through the produce section or the deli first when entering the grocery store is a decision.  Deciding whether to turn on the television or music is a decision.  Deciding when and what to say to your significant other or children…all decisions you make.

            The key is to recognize that these decisions are pending BEFORE you make them and to give yourself credit AFTER you make them.  A good way to start is to begin the day by setting a goal.  Try to set a goal of making ten to twenty conscious and purposeful decisions.  Keep it simple to start.  Which way to turn when driving, what’s for lunch and a few things you think of in advance that you would like to say to people you know.  By the time you go to bed that same night, you will have consciously and subconsciously acknowledged that you exerted some control or influence over your life that day.  A greater sense of influence over what happens to you in life can bolster your self esteem and confidence.

            If you repeat this simple exercise for a week, you will have thought through and acknowledged fifty to a hundred decisions.   As you begin to recognize more opportunities for daily decision making, it will become easier for you to make and take credit for decisions that you are proud of or make you feel good about yourself…and maybe rethink some that do the opposite.  Making decisions you feel good about can be huge boosts to your self esteem and confidence.  Forming a daily habit of being more conscious in your decision making is not only a great form of strengthening your self esteem but can also help you see more ways to have a greater sense of purpose in your daily living.

Self Esteem

Self Esteem 

            When you hear the words “self esteem” you may associate them with something bad, something broken or missing.  Try to think of your self esteem in terms of a group of muscles.  In your physical body, your “core” muscles are the muscles in the mid section of your body and are used in almost all physical activity.  It would be nearly impossible to support your own body weight or someone else’s without strength in your core muscles.  Think of your self esteem as core muscles for your mental and spiritual body.

            When challenges confront you in your life, it is this muscle group that will allow you to push, pull or lift yourself over whatever hurdle you face.  Likewise, you may need these same muscles to push, pull or lift someone out of hole in their life.  Your self esteem is not only engaged in times of crisis however.  Your self esteem is at the core of everyday living.  Your self esteem is at the root of how you feel about yourself.  How you feel about yourself is at the root of your self-confidence.  Your self-confidence is at the root of what you believe you are capable of in life as well as what you believe you deserve in life.

            Not only does your self esteem affect your life but potentially the lives of others as well.  The way you feel about yourself and your beliefs about what you deserve can be at the very heart of how you go about choosing your mate.  Likewise, these same feelings and beliefs can play a major role in the health of your relationships.  In other words, your self esteem can play a major role in building and maintaining happiness in your life.  Do not be afraid to spend some time assessing the condition of your self esteem…or more simply, spend a little time thinking about how you feel about yourself.

            More accurately pinpointing where you are will help you better determine how to get where you want to go.

Fear or Curiosity?

Fear or Curiosity?

          Mysteries, unknown circumstances, unfamiliar people and unfamiliar surroundings can often make us uncomfortable.  Sometimes being mystified or experiencing something new can arouse our curiosity.  Curiosity can sometimes motivate us to desire to discover…to learn more about the things before us that we have not seen.  Often times however, the unknown and uncertainty can provoke fear.   We tend to be afraid of things we don’t understand.  Opting for the comfort zone, we usually choose the things and situations we know and are familiar with over what is unfamiliar.  While caution is prudent, fear can be irrational.   Fear can limit discovery.  Discovery of ourselves and the world around us.

             For a child, everything is new.  Everything is a wonder when you see it for the first time, feel it for the first time and experience it for the first time.  That’s why kids ask so many questions.  Children have to make the same decisions.  Do I turn away from something foreign to me?  This makes me uncomfortable…is it good or bad?  Encourage their questions.  Foster their curiosity.  Help them have new experiences and explorations.  Most of all help them develop the habit of being guided by their curiosity and need to discover.  The alternative is to be guided and controlled by fear.  Fear is a habit that can put profound limitations on a person’s life.  Fear builds walls around you and holds you captive.  No one who is supposed to be free should live in a cell.  Especially a child.

Build Yourself Up

Here are some subjects worth thinking about today.

Courage.  Live from the inside out.  Don’t look for blame and responsibility in the people and situations around you.  All your circumstances are created from within and manifested by your decision making.  Trust your intuition and your heart.  Have the courage and strength to follow them.  Some people choose to “go with the flow” in life.  Remember…if you “go with the flow” then you can’t be upset when you end up somewhere you don’t want to be.  You chose it.  Otherwise, you must have the courage to make decisions all day every day.  Big decisions and little decisions…they are all the same.  “Where do I want to live?” is no different than “Where do I want to eat lunch?”  Participate and think through all the decisions in your day and in your life.  The more decisions that you consciously make, the more your life is driven by purpose.  DO…just DO.  Don’t live inside your head.  Don’t let emotions or habits take over your decision making.  Get outside your comfort zone sometimes and get into it!!!!  Comfort zones can protect us and keep us safe…so can cages!  Kick the door open and get out there and start pulling the trigger.  I don’t mean jumping off cliffs…just take charge of your decision making.

Faith.  Believe in yourself.  God put his trust in you and gave you the keys to your life.  If God Himself can trust you to guide your life why can’t you?  Always be positive and optimistic.  It is easy to be positive and optimistic when things are going well.  The true rewards are reserved for those who have the strength to be positive and optimistic when the chips are down.  Believe this:  the more you believe in an outcome, the greater it’s likelihood of occurrence.  If you “assume the worst” then guess what’s going to happen?  If you are “realistic” and temper your expectations then guess what’s going to happen?  ALWAYS believe in the positive outcome.  DO NOT DOUBT YOURSELF!  The world is filled with people who are glad to doubt you, who are glad to see you fall.  Don’t be one of them!  We are magnets in life.  We attract the things we believe in the most.  It’s not enough to just wish and hope.  You have to first BELIEVE and then work hard to make it happen.

Be careful what you wish and pray for.  All prayers are answered.  If you pray for strength then you will be given an opportunity to be strong.  If you pray for wisdom then you will be given a test to learn from.  More specifically, if you pray for a relationship then you will have one.  If you pray for family or children then you will have them.  What you should pray for is love.  Pray to be loved by someone and pray to love someone.  Just be patient and hold out for someone who brings out the best in you and inspires you to bring out the best in them.  All the things you want will bloom from this.  But if you live in fear and live to avoid being alone…you will always have company.  And unfortunately bad company is ten times worse than being lonely.  If you want love…than have the courage to be alone and the strength to be patient enough for it to find you.

Self esteem.  Think of self esteem as the most important muscle in your body.  Only self esteem can carry you when pressure becomes too much to bear.  Only self esteem can lift you up over the hurdles in your path.  Like any muscle you must exercise to develop it.  Assess your self esteem daily and do specific things to make it stronger.  Don’t be negative.  Don’t beat yourself up.  Leave that to the rest of the world.  Think of only your positives.  Think only of the good things you do in life.  If there aren’t enough of those things to think about…then start creating them.  Even diet decisions can affect your self esteem.   Do SOMETHING today you can be proud of.  And then repeat that and similar things as often as possible.  Forgive yourself for the things you are not proud of and move forward.  If you drive through life looking backwards then you’re going to run into something.

“There is no need for a Plan B…it will only distract you from Plan A.”  Will Smith