Self Esteem

Self Esteem 

            When you hear the words “self esteem” you may associate them with something bad, something broken or missing.  Try to think of your self esteem in terms of a group of muscles.  In your physical body, your “core” muscles are the muscles in the mid section of your body and are used in almost all physical activity.  It would be nearly impossible to support your own body weight or someone else’s without strength in your core muscles.  Think of your self esteem as core muscles for your mental and spiritual body.

            When challenges confront you in your life, it is this muscle group that will allow you to push, pull or lift yourself over whatever hurdle you face.  Likewise, you may need these same muscles to push, pull or lift someone out of hole in their life.  Your self esteem is not only engaged in times of crisis however.  Your self esteem is at the core of everyday living.  Your self esteem is at the root of how you feel about yourself.  How you feel about yourself is at the root of your self-confidence.  Your self-confidence is at the root of what you believe you are capable of in life as well as what you believe you deserve in life.

            Not only does your self esteem affect your life but potentially the lives of others as well.  The way you feel about yourself and your beliefs about what you deserve can be at the very heart of how you go about choosing your mate.  Likewise, these same feelings and beliefs can play a major role in the health of your relationships.  In other words, your self esteem can play a major role in building and maintaining happiness in your life.  Do not be afraid to spend some time assessing the condition of your self esteem…or more simply, spend a little time thinking about how you feel about yourself.

            More accurately pinpointing where you are will help you better determine how to get where you want to go.