The world is apt and quick to judge you for what you have or have not done. It is also very easy to focus your own thoughts and energy on what you have or have not done. Focusing on the past can lead to guilt if you are not proud of your track record. It can lead to complacency if you are busy patting yourself on the back for things you have accomplished. You can be left feeling wounded or cheated if you live in remorse about what you could once do that you no longer can. You could have become bitter if living with resentment about what you lost or what was taken from you. In any scenario, living in the past can cause weeds to grow on your heart and soul. Weeds will choke out the sun and air and leave you feeling low on energy and empty.
Instead, focus on what you can do. Focus on what you are going to do. Look to the future and watch the weeds of discontent die away. Open your mind to the idea that your greatest gifts to the world and/or yourself are still ahead of you. Your soul and heart will grow strong and fill fuller with this renewed view of your path.